published by White Star Kids
written by Chiara Piroddi
There is a loud and colorful birthday party going on. What better time to gather joyful children? What if, instead, there were many other emotional nuances not to be overlooked in a social context, like a birthday party? Children are accompanied in the reflection on the different components that emotions have, and the story becomes a useful tool to work on emotional education. The illustrations and windows allow the little reader to read the emotions on the faces and in the body of the protagonists, discover their thoughts, learning to reflect on their mental state and trying to identify themselves in their reactions. Next to the last window is a valuable advice to reflect on the strategies useful to cross the different emotional states with confidence and competence. In closing the book, a section dedicated to adults involved in the education of children, will provide them with tips and strategies to help more
to develop their emotional intelligence.

The story of this book, through its interactive windows, is inspired by the studies of Paul Ekman.
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