Happy holidays to all!
Between a work break and an illness, I managed to make the Christmas card.
The palette is kindly stolen from those Giulia Lombardo created for the calendar of Studio Fuffa 2025 and since the theme for the calendar is Minestrone (Coming soon online)... 
I went to Macedonia!
Red Riding Hood + strawberries (bonus track pancake!)
Little Red Riding Hood is one of the best-known fairy tales, which tells of a little girl who, during her journey in the woods, meets the big bad wolf. However, in some modern versions of the fairy tale, the wolf is no longer an enemy, but a character who, thanks to a different encounter with the protagonist, can become good. Just as strawberries are sweet when cultivated with care, so too can stories be changed if approached with new eyes.
And since it’s also a time of budgets and good intentions: I hope you have a full year of Brunch! 

Thank you for watching!
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